How do I invite users to my organization?

    This article walks through how to invite employees and co-workers to your venue and organization in Backbar.

    Managing the beverage program of a restaurant or bar is a lot easier with others to help. Plus, wait staff and bartenders can use Backbar to study up on the menu and drink offerings.


    1. To invite others to your venue or organization, click on the user icon in the top right corner. Then click on Manage Users.

    User Options


    * If you do not see the Manage Users option, that means your user role does not allow you to invite others to your organization. Only Managers and Admins can invite users to their organization.


    2. Next, click on the Invite New User button in the top right.

    Invite Users


    3. A modal will appear to enter in the person's email address and the role they should be assigned. For more details on roles, see this article on users vs. managers vs. admins. Then click Invite User.


    Invite User Modal

    If the email address is not associated with an existing Backbar user, the user will receive an email to sign up and then will be part of your organization. If the user is an existing Backbar user, they will automatically join your organization and the user will receive a notification.

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